Professional Development Workshop Series Presents:
Beyond Box Checking: Intention & Implementation for Change
Carly McCollow
This presentation will focus on identifying several sources of motivation that can fuel us to engage in equity work throughout the school year. We will learn holistic and practical methods of integrating this learning into our professional practice. We will also familiarize ourselves with school-wide action planning templates that can increase buy-in and action beyond just the school based mental health team.
Carly McCollow, LMSW (She/Her) supports schools and organizations is healing harm and connecting around shared humanity. She coauthors the NJ State Bar Foundation's restorative justice workshops, and facilitates those and other antiracist and trauma-informed workshops in schools and districts across New Jersey. Carly currently coaches and facilitates facilitates through her practice Holding Space, provides clinical services through Liberation-Based Therapy, facilitates with Ampersands RJ, and lectures at Yale University.